Call H2O Sprinkler Systems today and experience a worry free summer!! You'll receive great looking landscaping, and the greenest lawn in the neighborhood, without the hassle of dragging the hose around.
Refer us to anyone you know and receive free maintenance for your sprinkler system. Just another way of saying, "thank you." Take a look:
Tell anyone you know about H2O Sprinkler Systems and receive free maintenance on your sprinkler system. This includes friends, family, neighbors, co-workers; anybody you would like. It acts just like a gift certificate, but there is no expiration date, so you save as much as you like. Here's how it works!
Call us and give the name and number of the potential customer. Once a H2O representative has given a written estimate and your referral has scheduled an install, we will send you $50 in free maintenance money. As long as you keep referring customers, we will keep sending you the certificates.
You can use it for anything!
This is the best part. You decide what you want to do with the certificate. You can use it for any repair, winterization, spring start up, or maybe you want to save it and purchase an upgrade for your sprinkler system. It's up to you and it's FREE!
To receive your "Maintenance Money"
1.H2O must be notified about referral before estimate is given
2.Offer is non-transferable
3.This offer applies only to sprinkler systems referred to H2O.
Add aesthetic value to your home and have the greenest lawn in the neighborhood.